Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Secret Bakery

So there's this secret bakery....that is sooo good! Not many Americans know about it. It's more of an Italian thing. They start selling at 1am, and end at about 3am. They're not supposed to be because it's right beneath a residence, and they have a quiet police, so I hope no Italian Police look at my page hehe. Anyways, when you get there it's like a drug deal. There are signs on the door in English and Italian telling you to be quiet. You lightly tap on the door, and this guy comes out and whispers what do you want? Me and my friends all said something chocolate. You hand him ONLY one euro, and he brings out an amazingg croissant. When I first bit into it, I didn't think it was that good....but the warm chocolate filling in the middle made it sooo much better. Another one of my favorite things about Italy. :)

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog! It’s so informative and inspiring and organized I'm new at this so mines not that great, but anyways..
    My roommates and I have been trying to find this "secret bakery" forever! we've heard about it from so many people but every time we try to find it it's either closed or something but I think we've been going to the wrong one the whole time haha great! That’s so funny the way this "bakery transaction" is done but where exactly is this place? And I can't believe it's only 1 euro!!
