Monday, November 29, 2010


So somehow Ive failed to talk about my trip to London. It was INCREDIBLE. Now Caleb had continuously made it seem as if it wasn't what it's cracked up to be. From what he told me it was cold and dull. Now, it was cold, but dull it was not. The first place he took me was to the Big Ben, London Eye, and Thames River. He didn't even give me a warning or anything, just took me to it. I immediately screamed! It was sooo beautiful! The sun was setting right over the river...and it was much to handle. He then took me over to Buckingham Palace which was pretty, with a really pretty fountain in front of it. However, the coolest part was the soldiers walking back and forth like they used to do in the past. We also went to the Queens Garden. It was fillllled with so many flowers, and just colorful leaves all over the ground. If there's anywhere you want to be during Autumn, its here. It also had these small ponds with ducks, and black swans in it. To a city girl like me, this is a site to see. Buttt I got a lil taste of the city too. There's a street in Central London that looks just like Times Square. It's filled with all these theaters, which pretty much makes it the European Broadway. Caleb treated me to one of the shows, "We will rock you". Umm it was interesting, kind of, but it's more about the experience.d We also participated in something called Orange Wednesdays, when movies for students are like dirt cheap. We went to see Paranormal 2, and it was funny sitting in the theater with excited British kids.
By the way, I LOVE there accent. Caleb claimsss they love ours too, but I highly doubt it. They are also some of the nicest people ever! The fact that they're all mean is a myth. Although, I have met mean ones, let's not forget about my trip in.Anyways, we also went to a night club called Oceana! Oceana reminds me of Vegas clubs! It had four beautiful rooms for different genres of music! It was the first time partying with just my boyfriend, but it was fun! The last big thing we did was take a River Cruise. It was at night and it was beautifulll. It was sprinkling a little bit but we didn't even care. We were able to hear all the history of that's surrounds the river, which was pretty awesome! Like some of the ships that still sit there in the water. In war, they were used as decoy ships, and if anyone would approach, they would be shot instantly. If you want to know anymore, ask me! Overall, it was a great Fall Break! We're not even going to talk about me missing my flight back. That's another story entirelyyyy. :) wait! I almost forgot! One of the best parts about London...I was reunited with my love....Chipotle!

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