Monday, November 29, 2010

Paris "Wee Wee"

Since we couldn't feast on a delicious meal for Thanksgiving, anddd it was our one year Anniversary, me and Caleb decided to meet in Paris! And it was just as expected! We started our day at Mcdonalds for breakfast.(Such Americans I know) But it was the fanciest Mcdonalds we had ever been in! We went all over the city, starting at the Louvre where we saw the Venus, and Mona Lisa. Would I be wrong to say the Mona Lisa is overrated?? Okay then I won't say it. Caleb was excited about the Louvre, because the pyramid above it was in the Da Vinci code, so it was cool seeing that. We then went to the infamous Eiffel Tower, and it's not overrated at all! It was beautiful. It trulyyy is the heart of Paris. Me and Caleb were so excited that we stacked up on mini Eiffel tower statues, keychains, and lighters. It was a battle going on between all the guys selling the tower. It was like an auction. They all kept lowering their prices, so we could buy from them. Caleb almost was hustled by some guys gambling in front of the tower. He saw one guy winning, and almost played because it looked so easy, but after watching for a while, he realized that they were working together on a team trying to trick tourists. Crazy right? It was also crazy, because a lady came by and kicked the box they were gambling on. We figured she was religious, or either just felt like he was giving Paris a bad name. Long story short, the tower is beautiful, but it is surrounded by beggars and peddlers. After leaving there, we stopped at a deli, and got a chicken sandwich, that was delicious! The people there were sooo nice, opposing the stereotype that all Parisians and French are evil. Caleb spilled some sauce on his new jacket, and they brought out soap and water to help him clean it. They also said he looked like 50 cent, which is always hilarious to me. They directed us to Champs Elysees, the famous street in Paris, where we headed next. We approached the Arc de Triomphe, which is also famous. As we walked down the Champs Elysee, we could see the huge ferris wheel, that we like to call "The Paris Eye". We stopped at two foreign car shops, one being Mercedez, Benz. Both had nice cars we had never seen before. We then went to the Louis Vuitton headquarters, which did nothing more than upset us. I mean it was a beautifulll store, but itjust made us want to buy stuff, and of course we couldn't. There was a line outside the store, as if we were going into the club. The inside was huge! And I think the lowest priced item was a keychain for 115 euro. We went up and down the escalators, and into the beautiful rooms, staring in awe. In one room, the unthinkable happened. We looked out the window, and it was snowing!!! It was soooo pretty! I've never seen snow before, and what a great place to see it. I pretty much ran out of the store to play in it. Everything just seemed perfect! We then headed over to the Notre Dame, a beautifullll church that was nice to visit. Caleb then took me to dinner at a traditional French restaurant in the Latin Quarters. After eating here, we came to the conclusion that French food is bomb! I had garnished steak, and he had the beef stew in wine sauce. We both had it with rice and potatoes. We also both had a crepe with cheese and ham for a starter, and for dessert I had ice cream, and he had an apple tart. It was all sooooo good. To finish our night, we headed back to the Eiffel Tower to see it lit. Too amazing for words.
The next day we went to the Versailles Palace, which of course is gorgeous. When approaching all you see is a looong Golden gate. The inside is huge, and each room is decorated with great detail. Our audio guides said each room has been done over ten times. We saw the kings chambers, and the queens bedroom. It was truly a sight to see. However, while walking through, we kept seeing these strangeee contemporary art pieces. They were colorful, big, and just looked as if they belonged in the Disney store. Our audio guides said they had only been there in the last few years to be showcased. We figured it was a money thing. What was even more funny, is that we approached one of these weird pieces, and saw that it was done by Pharrell Williams. It was a piece filled with several diamonds and stones, but still, it was very much out of place. After we left the palace, we stopped and got a barbecue chicken burger sandwich, with FRENCH fries. Again, french food is molto bene. Just before I got on my bus to the airport, we stopped at the Hotel Lafayette. It's a hotel that sits on top of the gallery Lafayette, a Parisian mall. We went to the 33rd floor of the hotel, to see what is said to be the best view of the city, and it was. It showed us just how beautiful the city really is. So yea um i love Paris! Sidenote: If you ever go to Paris, don't go in November. It was freeeezing. Not good for our LA blood, at all.

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