Wednesday, September 29, 2010

"Cause in the end all you really have is memories."

Friends Abroad

On Caleb's last day here, a couple of my other friends visited Italy as well. They're studying abroad in Spain, and since it's almost time for them to leave, they wanted to pass through Italy. It was a short visit, but we had a really good time! We walked around the city, and visited the main attraction in Italy, the Duomo. Now up until then I had only seen the outside, but Caleb informed me that entry was free! So we went in and it was BEAUTIFUL.
The ceilings and walls had extremely pretty designs, and there were candles in the middle that we each took turns lighting. We then left and went to visit the San Lorenzo market where they indulged in scarf buying. I'm telling you the scarves are so nice, and when someone in America asks you where'd you get your scarf from, you just say "Oh...Florence, Italy." They'll think you're fancy,when you only spent 5 euro. We also went to Piazzale Michelangelo. Caleb's second time that week, but I wont let anyone come here without seeing it.
It was also funny the Italian men seeing THREE Black women together! It was to much
for them to handle! AND these random girls from Serbia came up to us and asked if they can take a picture WITH us. We were a little confused but we did it. Just figured they had never seen black people up close and personal. I would say that they had a pretty good time, and yeaahh I'm a pretty good hostess :) Look at me showing off Italy like I live here.
Sidenote: I realized this was really my home when I started getting annoyed by tourists! I mean I know I've only been here awhile, but they're always in the way when I'm going to class, and I'm like I see this everyday, keep it moving!!...I kid I kid.

Other Food Places

Of course Italy is known for it's food so the first thing Caleb wanted to do when he arrived is eat! I took him to this little cafe I had heard about. It was on top of a department store overlooking the city, and supposedly had really good prices. This was very true, but the person that told me about it left out the part about them having BAD SERVICE. We went and it was really nice, but no one was helping us. We waited awhile and the waiter never came. We walked inside, and he was counting his money. So of course, as Americans, we left.
We also went to get gelato, and sat on the beautiful bridge by my house. Yep that's what I pass everyday. Can't get over it.
NOTE : Italy's customer service is awful. There's no calling the manager or anything like that, you just take what you get. ESPECIALLY in restaurants. There's no tipping out here, because waiters get paid pretty good. Therefore, they pretty much don't care about your service. If you want the check, ask for it 30 minutes earlier. Seriously.
Another place that we tried, of course as Americans, is Tijuana. I LOVE Mexican food so I had to find a place, and I'm happy I did. This place is sooo good. I had the nachos and they were to die for. We went during happy hour, so we all got fragola margaritas at discounted price, and it was hands down the best I ever had. You might think I'm hyping this place up, but I promise the food iss delish. Of course we took pictures, so take a look. Caleb also bought me a rose from this guy passing by. I swear Florence is the place of Romance.

Caleb's Visit

We stayed there and waited until the sun set. We met a really nice older couple that was visiting, and by the end of our conversation we were taking pictures with them. Caleb also gave Katie and Evan a Romeo and Juliet photo shoot, which was to cute. It was a really nice outing, fo
r a good price. Enjoy the pictures.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Gusta Pizza Flirts

The three brothers that work at Gusta Pizza love the chocolateee. They randomly made this for me and my friends. Too cute.

Little Person I miss the MOST

Okay....I REALLY miss this little bugger.

Person I miss MOST

So I had a LOT of help getting to Italy! So many people wanted to see me here, and I loved the support I received from so many friends and family! But one in particular put in the MOST effort. The lady that has my grandmommy! This lady has become the true backbone of my family. I honestly don't think there's any grandmother better than her. Because of her I've been exposed to sooo many different things. As an ambitious young lad, I've always had a LOT of goals. She has supported me in EVERY single one! From me wanting to be a librarian, "You can own your own library" me wanting to be a singer and poet. Her and my grandfather had me in poetry contests, and singing in front of people, knowing I can't sing! When I wanted to be an actress, she would take me to auditions, and stay up with me all night, the day before. She picked me up from games when I randomly decided to cheer lead, she drove me way to the valley when I randomly decided I wanted to play the flute. She was the one that came with me to my first college orientation, and walked around a huge hot campus. For every little dream I decided to have, she's been there, supporting me ALL the way. Even though I'm far from her right now, my heart is growing closer to her, and I'm starting to realize more and more each day what a wise woman she is. All my life people have told me I'm just like her, and it's definitely a compliment.

San Lorenzo Market

So there's a realllly nice outdoor market in Florence. Well there's multiple markets, but one of the best is the San Lorenzo market. They have EVERYTHING, for really good prices! From scarves, to leather purses, to keychains, to clothes, to wine openers. Pre-Warning: Many of your gifts may come from here.
I love this place! You can talk the people down to any price you like! And everything is made in Firenze. Its funny we met an American boy there selling products for his Italian father. He tried to fool us, but him blasting Jay-Z was a dead give-away.
Anyway, San Lorenzo is A must visit when you come. It's like an upgraded Slauson swapmeet.


So one thing I forgot to write about was my weekend trip to Verona. First of all, this was one trip that I was not at all excited about. This is due to the fact that originally, we were scheduled to go to Cinque Terre. Howeverrr, because of the predicted bad weather conditions, our program decided to cancel that trip, and go to Verona instead.
Mind you, Cinque Terre is said to be one of the most beautifulll places in Italy. Its five towns, with five different islands, but because of the water and rocks, they say it is a very dangerous place to be when it's raining. Therefore, we were stuck going to Verona.Verona is where the home of Juliet is located. Interesting, because this is what the movie we saw in Florence was based on. Sooo let me talk a little about the trip.
When we got to the hotel, I was disgusted. It had to be the WORST hotel I have ever stayed in. It was a double bed, and one twin, for me and my two roommates. The blankets were random patterns. There was a bucket under the sink that was surrounded by dirt. There were bars on the windows...and LAST but certainly not LEAST....the bathroom was outside in the hall, and we had to share it with boys! Boys who left stains in the toilet as soon as we got there. #Cmonson
So we immediately left our room, and went in search of food. It was 7 of us, guys and girls, and we found a pizza place. We then began walking around a bit. We went on a guided tour with a woman that barely talked. Although, some of the sites were BEAUTIFUL. There were several designer stores, an amphitheater that looked like a mini-coliseum, multi colored buildings, tombs, and of course Juliets house!
Let me tell you. Seeing that movie, as corny as it was, made this experience so much better! Of course, they don't know if the story of Romeo and Juliet was true or not, however it is in fact where the Capulets lived. At the site, there was of course a balcony, and a statue of Juliet. Tourists are supposed to rub her left boob if they want to find true love, and rub her right if they want to be rich. Most girls rubbed the left. I put my hand on both!
The walls were covered with writing by tourists, alot of which were love notes. I somehow managed to fit Roni and CD up there. (simp moment). After we left there we went to a river in the middle of Verona that just like everything else was amazing, and then we went to the top of a hill to look down on one of the best views I've seen.
That night, we went to a museum that was holding an open art gallery. We all held in our laughter at the random stuff that was considered art. Some mans keychain, teapot, and pen. I'm not sure if it had a deeper meaning, but we couldn't find it. We then wen't back to the hotel. We were so bored that we took hotel business cards, and made playing cards out of them. We sat in the room disgusted by it. We all agreed that it looked like the room a murderer goes to on the movies when he's getting ready for his next victim. Yes, it was that bad.
The next day we were so ready to go. Our bus didn't leave until four, so we did everything we could to pass time. Verona was nice, but it was not a place you would stay for more than one day.

Odeon Cinehall

So we decided to go to the movies one day in Florence. Of course, nothing in Florence is the same as America. Being in a movie theater, is like being in a theater that kings and queens once went to!
Giorgia told me about it! It is the oldest theater in Florence, and it is called the Odeon Cinehall. Me, Katie, Ianne, and our two friends Conner and Evan decided to go one night. It was absolutely gorgeous inside! We sat in the most comfortable cushioned seats, and looked up at the prettiest antique ceiling ever made. Nevermind the bitter Italian woman at the front that didn't want to give us our student discounts.
The movie we saw was Letters to Juliet, and despite the fact that it was the corniest movie I've ever seen, it was still a really nice experience.

My intercambio!

One of the things I was most excited about when coming to Italy was setting up an intercambio! That's when I meet with someone who speaks Italian, and we teach each other our native language. Well the time had finally arrived, and I was told that I would be meeting with someone named Giorgia! I was so excited!
When we finally met, of course it was a little awkward. She was nice, young, and knew English pretty well. We walked to get gelato, and talked a bit about some places she had traveled. She asked if I preferred her to speak in Italian, and I told her I preferred her to speak a little of both. She agreed, but when she would burst into Italian, I was so confused, all I could do was nod. She then told me she would be meeting with her friend that she hadn't seen for awhile, and I could just watch them speak Italian. I agree, even though it seemed a little odd.
When they met up, they immediately dove into conversation. I just stood there, struggling to understand, but it didn't help. I didn't know at ALL what they were talking about. We went to a restaurant, and had an apperativo (some wine and appetizers). I ate what were the BEST veggies I ever had in life. They continued to talk, and I continued trying to understand. Giorgia would stop and ask me "Do you know a little bit?", I would say "ummm a little". I was definitely lying. I didn't have a clue what was going on. When we finished eating, Giorgia and I set up another meeting for that following week.
At first, I was a little dissapointed. That was not how I had planned it to go...but then I realized...I was in an Italian restaurant, with Italian women, speaking the Italian language. If I'm not embracing the culture, I don't know who is!

Friday, September 24, 2010


I could write an entire post about this place alone...but all I will say is...If you EVER come to Italy...make SURE you try Gusta Pizza. It's right near my house which is by the Pitti Palace...and it's the BEST pizza I've tried here. It's a small place ran by three Italian men that KNOW English! It has thick balls of mozzarella...and....I can go on and on...but you must try it....and for 5 euro, it can't be beat!

A sight to see

Ok so...let's begin...I haven't blogged in like two weeks...SHAME ON ME! But I'll write what I remember. The weekend before last, me and my two roommates went up to Piazzale Michelangelo! It was an AMAZING view! We sat up at the top of the hill and looked down over the city. I had already been, but this time we went at sunset, and took peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, plus a little wine in juice boxes (yes they have them) along with us. We sat on the stairs that the tourists from all over sit on, and just basked in the ambiance. A British couple sat next to us, and offered to take our picture. I always think it's extremely nice when people OFFER to take you picture. We were surrounded by couples, of course, because it's the city of love, and you can't walk anywhere without seeing two people staring each other in the eyes. It's so romantic, but a little annoying when you miss your own love. Anyway, we watched the sun go all the way down, and the city LIGHT up. The churches, the Duomo, and the Ponte Vecchio all were beautifully LIT...and honestly all I could think again was...I can't believe IM HERE.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

I shall update tomorrow. P.S. since I've been here I've been referred to as Black Beauty, Brown Sugar, Sugar Brown, and ChocolAte...I find it so funny.

Monday, September 13, 2010

About to indulge in some more cauliflower and pasta! My second veggie meal here! I usually don't eat a meal unless it has meat, but this dish is so good!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

I'm having my bf bring me Lawry's seasoning salt...and a copy of Takers on dvd...I'm all about embracing the culture, but a girl still has needs.
I would say the mosquitoes love us more than the Italian men.

First Week of School-Friday

So today after a long night of wine drinking and card playing, we went to one of the trips included in our program, Medici Villa of Petraia. It was absolutely amazing. We met at the bus station at 9:30am, the time we were supposed to leave. Of course we didn’t, because Italians never leave on time. At about 10am, the entire group piled on the bus, stamping our little tickets in the machine. The bus ride was about twenty minutes, so I decided to take a little nap. I woke up to pictures Katie took of me with my mouth open, and a group of other students staring at me. It was an awkward moment, but hey it’s Italy. You get over things quickly. Once we exited the bus, we walked through several back alleys. We passed several homes which let us know we were out of the main city, which is made up of mostly apartments. We walked up a hill, that was not as steep as I had expected, and went through a tall steel fence. It was absolutely beautiful. It was the first Villa I had been to, and it was covered with gorgeous roses in every color. The grass was perfectly cut, and the trees were perfectly trimmed. There were three fountains, all spread out in various parts of the villa. I couldn’t help but imagine what it must have been like as a Medici growing up with this as your front yard. It got even better when we went inside the home that they once lived in. When we first walked through the door, we were in the main ballroom. It was of course covered in fresca’s, a word I heard Ianne use to describe the paintings on the walls. It also had multiple deer heads hanging up, one in which you could still see the mark of where it’s throat was slit. I tried to imagine the eighteenth century, when everyone wore huge ballroom dresses and danced under the chandelier. We went upstairs and visited several rooms that were also covered in “frescas”. The guide, that only spoke Italian, and had to be translated by one of our directors, explained that they hadn’t changed any of the stuff since the eighteenth century. It amazed me that these were the exact rooms, this wealthy family used to sleep in. I began to create several stories in my head. What was most interesting was when we were shown the room of the King’s mistress. Yes! I know! The king’s mistress lived in the same house as he and the family! I would also say that she had the best room in the house! Her name was Rosanni, and she had a Baby blue room. The pictures she had on her dresser of herself were still there. At first I thought it may not have been so bad to be a mistress in those days, but then I imagined how unfulfilled she might have been, just as his wife was. Glad I’m a woman in these days not those. There was also a room with an alter that sat in front of a gold Jesus piece hanging on a cross. I can’t help but love how religious this place is. Although, I’m not Catholic, they still have many of the same beliefs that I do. So I see this as my own spiritual journey. After leaving the magnificent home of the Medici’s, well one of them, we headed back on the bus towards home. When we got off, we decided to get McDonalds. I know this is shameful, since we’re in one of the best food places in the world, BUT after eating pizza almost everyday for almost two weeks, you kind of miss that old processed American food. I will say that afterwards I regretted it. Not only was it worst than the McDonalds in the states, but it was more expensive! There was no euro menu, and I paid 4 euro for a small happy meal. I can’t complain though, dinner will be wonderful. My roommates Ianne and Katie had planned to go hiking at fisole?? And I wanted to try it, but I just couldn’t. I’m a city girl, and all this walking is getting the best of me. I decided to come back to my apartment and write for a while. As I headed back, I passed so many tourists of course. And all I could think was this place looks straight out of a movie. The best fashion stores lining the streets, wealthy tourists everywhere eating gelato, or chowing down on pizza. Scarves, bracelets, and art being sold on the corners. A man sketching a painting in the middle of the street with a hat out that’s being filled with one euro cent. I have to remind myself that this is not a movie. It’s Italy. It’s Florence. It’s…my home. A YEAR AGO...I HAD NO IDEA I WOULD BE IN ITALY...SO WHO KNOWS WHERE GOD WILL TAKE ME...A YEAR FROM NOW.

I miss my love.

So It's been two weeks exactly since I've been here....and I realllly miss my boyfriend. He'll be heading to London Tuesday, and hopefully coming here soon after :/. I thought I would take this moment and be reallly corny/mushy. So it hit me the other day that I WON'T be able to go up the street to his house whenever I want, and he won't be able to do the same for me....EVER AGAIN. :( I met this boy my freshman year, and we've kind of been attached ever since. Yes I said boy, because that's what he was when I met him, but I've watched him grow and mature into a man. My man, I should add. We did have a few rocky situations occur between us, but their was something that would always pull us right back together. He used to always say, "What other college students live right by each other, and still spend hours on the phone?". Bestfriends, I would say. We've grown together in so many ways over the years, and he really has been a major support system for me...always encouraging me to write, to intern, to better my craft, to get off twitter and do something valuable. He's always there when I need something...whether it was much needed groceries as a starving college student, a car battery that "he installed" when my car messed up, lets not forget my actual car, that he took me everywhere to find even when we weren't on the best terms, many rides BEFORE I had a car, alll my fundraisers to go to Italy...anytime I have a problem, no matter how small it is, he is who I call...the list can go on and on. I really feel blessed to have had him in my life, and although many may throw in their negative commentary, doubts/ judgements, and try their best to point out his flaws...I still give him the utmost respect...because I know what an incredible guy he is...and I knoow I'm not the easiest girl to deal with...but I'm worth it :) Many people may have tried their best to end our love, but what we have is to strong to be stopped by outsiders looking in. I treasure the relationship that we have, and I'm happy to say that we will be spending our one year anniversary (since we've been committed) in Europe! What other couples can say they do that?? Beyonce and Jay, we're coming for you! I love you Mr. make me HAPPY...and at the end of the day, that's all that matters. Can't wait until you get here! There's no such thing as a perfect guy, or perfect girl...just perfect for each other.
I must admit....the cheese here is amazing...but...I miss cheddar.

First Week of School-Thursday

So Thursday is the day that I have two of my major classes. Magazine Writing and Social Media. Since I’ve already met the teacher for my Social Media class…did I mention she’s the coolest? I was really excited to meet my teacher for Magazine Writing. I get up and put on the new purple dress I got at H&M for ONLY ten euros, and my new leather boots that I bought at a store on one of the backstreets for cheaper than they would be in a tourist area. I talked the guy down to 27 euro, I tried to get them for 25, but they were originally 29. It was funny, because he was an Asian guy, and it reminded me to much of the stores at home, except for the fact that he spoke Italian. A bit confusing, but the point is, they have stores everywhere. So back to class. Me and Katie get there, excited for the first day, and the teacher is ten minutes late. She then comes in, looks at us, and says in an Italian accent, “Where are your computers?” Confused, all ten of us responded, “Computers? We were never told to bring computers.” “Well I was supposed to have a class with computers. I can’t teach without them.” Okayyy, I’m sure we all thought. She then left the room, came back and told us class was canceled. “We will have class one day next week, when we can get a room with computers.” A few of us questioned her changing the schedule, because we all have others classes at different times. “I will work something out, don’t worry”. This is an example of the Italian way of thinking. They are so carefree, and do things on their own time. As we walked down the street towards home to get back in bed, she walked behind us. I honestly think she just didn’t feel like teaching today. Later on I headed to my social media class with the wonderful Christi. This class will be awesome since majority of the time we’ll be tweeting and blogging which I LOVE to do. After class we head to the grocery store, and the American in me is kicking in. Did I mention the grocery store is right by my house, right near the beautiful river? Just thought I’d remind you. Anyways, I’m ashamed to say, but I begin to buy hamburger patties, fried chicken sticks, fried fish, and steaks. I’m getting just a tinyyy bit tired of pasta and pizza multiple times a day. Plus steak was only 3.50 euro, and it ended up tasting delicious. It also ended up being pork steak, but it worked. We spent the rest of the evening eating that, playing cards, and drinking wine. I would say this is the life. What about you?? This is what they mean when they talk about THE LIFE.

First Week of School-Wednesday

Wednesday, I don’t have class until 3, and it’s Italian, which is only an hour and a half. My roommates plan to wake up early to go to the Boboli Garden at the Pitti Palace which is not even a full block away from our house. It was one of the official homes of the Medici’s (great rulers of Florence), but you know it’s…no big deal. I live where kings used to, but I’m not bragging. Anyways, it’s no secret that I’m not a morning person, so I don’t plan to go. However, my boyfriend, who acts as a father, talks me into going. “Take it all in” he says, and of course…I listen. I get up and put on my dress. One of my roommates from across the hall says, “Roni can you teach me how to dress?” I thought that was so cute! Anyways, we headed to the Palace with out free museum pass, and just as we were about to go to the garden, it begins to rain, and we decide to go back home. Guess I’ll be taking it all in another day. I go back to bed. When I wake up later, I go to the laundry mat, since our washer is still not working. I look on the map, and try to find my way. The rain has stopped, but the clouds are still gray, and I’m walking down random streets. I’m a little nervous, so I try to keep on my “I’m not scared of anyone,” face. I’m holding my hamper in hand, and I stop inside a small restaurant to ask for directions. I get a reply completely in Italian, so I say “Grazie”, and keep walking. I run into it in two minutes. To my surprise, it was 3.50 euro to wash one load, and 3.50 euro to dry. That cancels out the two loads I had planned for, so I only wash one. As I wait, I begin to read “Eat, pray, love”. I love it already. In one hour, I have already completed nine chapters. My load is done, and I begin heading home…and the rain begins coming down. I want to wait in the laundry mat, but it’s getting closer to class time so I have to go. For some reason, the hamper is also heavier. I struggle down the streets, a little confused about where I’m going, putting the hamper from hand to hand, all while crumpling up my map. After about twenty minutes of struggling, I am finally home. I make a sandwich and head to class. After class, Katie calls me and tells me she met a guy named Fabritzio that works at our school, and he and his friends want to hang out at a Pizzeria. Wanting to get to know more locals, of course I agree to go. When we get to the pizzeria that night, Fabritzio is waiting there, and greets us by kissing us once on each cheek. We sit down with him, and eat some of the best pizza I’ve had yet. He was a nice guy, who was very attractive. He stared each of us in our eyes as we talked to him, and I couldn’t help but notice his beautiful light eyes. (disclaimer: I’m faithful) He told us about how many American students don’t get he full experience, because they don’t talk to locals. He also told us to stay away from American boys, which didn’t surprise me. He said they are arrogant, and don’t know how to behave. He told us a lot about the city, but sometimes when I would ask him a question, he would respond “Eat”, or “I’m eating my pizza”. I took it that he just didn’t want to respond. After he took us to the front, and paid for us all. The guy in the front told us we were all “Bella!”, and gave us a ticket to get free coffee at the cafĂ© next door. We went and had some, and he asked if we wanted to hang out with a couple of his friends in Piazza Santa Croce. Katie agreed, and I gave her the nervous eye. We begin walking with him, and I watched cautiously. I refuse to fully trust anyone out here. He wanted to stop at his place, and they agreed. So we headed up what seemed like twenty flights of steps. When we got to his place, he tried to shut the door, but I stayed in the doorway. Another student came out, which was strange. She introduced herself, she was from Germany, and was very nice. He went into the room, and came out brushing his teeth. Katie reminded me that he’s certified because he works for our school, ut I still didn’t trust it. We then headed downtown, and walked for what seem like forever. I had my pepper spray ready. We went to this area full of locals that were all hanging out in the street smoking and drinking. We sat down, and felt a little out of place, because we knew no Italian. Fabritzio decided to ask if we have boyfriends, and we said “We all do.” “That’s not good. When you come to Italy, you leave the American boys behind.” From then on, he socialized with everyone else, but us. After a while, we decided it was late and headed home. It was an eventful night. The Italian guys love us. Ciao Bellla is all you hear!

First Week of School-Tuesday

On Tuesday, I had no class. I woke up, made an egg, ham, and mozzarella cheese sandwich. I went back to sleep. When I woke up again. I headed to the book store. I bought my two Italian books, and a dictionary. I searched for another bookstore, my Mass Comm teacher told me to go to, but it was shut down. I also stopped to get some boots for the rain, and found some really cute ones. I headed back home. That evening we went in search of a festival that honored Mary. We headed to the Duomo which is a large church at the center of the city. We could not find the festival, but we just sat back for a while and enjoyed the scenario. We sat on the steps of the church, and watched. We watched fabulous Italian women as they passed in their high fashion. We watched the people eating at the nearby outdoor restaurants. We watched people pass by trying to sell things to tourists. We watched a group of youngings next to us with birthday hats on, celebrating, laughing, and speaking Italian. We imagined that one may have turned 16, and can finally drink. We then met up with one of Katie’s friends from Texas. She took us to her apartment. We stopped for Gelato on the way, and we were all disappointed, because it’s just not as good as the one near our place. We went up ten flights of stairs, and went in to her antique Italian home. It was huge, and very old in style. We went up to her balcony, and looked over at some old Italian buildings. The thing that stuck out to me the most, was two men having dinner on a balcony across the way. I have to talk to more Italians! It’s a must. I want the FULL experience. Each day I pick a few things up from Gucci on the way to class... A girl can dream...can't she...

First Week of School-Monday

It’s Monday, and the first day of classes. I wake up at about ten, and get ready. I head to class, and stop at the cell phone shop on the way. I tell them the phone they had given me was broken, and they instantly give me a new one. Crappy place. I then head to class, in which I’m about thirty minutes early. When class starts, it’s only four of us. I expect more to arrive, but they don’t. The teacher comes, and she has so much personality! She’s from America, and she’s lived multiple places, but all I can remember is Connecticut. She said she’s lived in Florence nine years, and she fell in love with it after stopping at one of the Pizzeria’s and seeing how much fun they had. Later on she goes into how she also fell in love with a man, and had his child. She said they had been separated a couple of years, and may get back together. She also said she could never imagine moving back to America and taking his child away from him. Real personal, I know. We then all introduced ourselves, and what we wanted to do with Communications. Everyone was impressed by my Dr. Phil and Fox internships. One girl said “I feel intimidated, because you’ve done all this, and I still don’t know what I’m doing.” But honestly, I don’t completely know either. The class seemed pretty interesting, and it touched on a lot of corruption in the media. You now, things I love to learn about. After this class, I head to my other. It was Italian, and I loved this teacher as well. He was an older Italian guy, but I could tell he had soul. He came in playing Michael Jackson, The Temptations, etc., and I think he took a special liking to me. I’m really excited for this semester. I would say the only thing bad about this place is the graffitti....kind of reminds me of home though lol.