Monday, September 27, 2010


So one thing I forgot to write about was my weekend trip to Verona. First of all, this was one trip that I was not at all excited about. This is due to the fact that originally, we were scheduled to go to Cinque Terre. Howeverrr, because of the predicted bad weather conditions, our program decided to cancel that trip, and go to Verona instead.
Mind you, Cinque Terre is said to be one of the most beautifulll places in Italy. Its five towns, with five different islands, but because of the water and rocks, they say it is a very dangerous place to be when it's raining. Therefore, we were stuck going to Verona.Verona is where the home of Juliet is located. Interesting, because this is what the movie we saw in Florence was based on. Sooo let me talk a little about the trip.
When we got to the hotel, I was disgusted. It had to be the WORST hotel I have ever stayed in. It was a double bed, and one twin, for me and my two roommates. The blankets were random patterns. There was a bucket under the sink that was surrounded by dirt. There were bars on the windows...and LAST but certainly not LEAST....the bathroom was outside in the hall, and we had to share it with boys! Boys who left stains in the toilet as soon as we got there. #Cmonson
So we immediately left our room, and went in search of food. It was 7 of us, guys and girls, and we found a pizza place. We then began walking around a bit. We went on a guided tour with a woman that barely talked. Although, some of the sites were BEAUTIFUL. There were several designer stores, an amphitheater that looked like a mini-coliseum, multi colored buildings, tombs, and of course Juliets house!
Let me tell you. Seeing that movie, as corny as it was, made this experience so much better! Of course, they don't know if the story of Romeo and Juliet was true or not, however it is in fact where the Capulets lived. At the site, there was of course a balcony, and a statue of Juliet. Tourists are supposed to rub her left boob if they want to find true love, and rub her right if they want to be rich. Most girls rubbed the left. I put my hand on both!
The walls were covered with writing by tourists, alot of which were love notes. I somehow managed to fit Roni and CD up there. (simp moment). After we left there we went to a river in the middle of Verona that just like everything else was amazing, and then we went to the top of a hill to look down on one of the best views I've seen.
That night, we went to a museum that was holding an open art gallery. We all held in our laughter at the random stuff that was considered art. Some mans keychain, teapot, and pen. I'm not sure if it had a deeper meaning, but we couldn't find it. We then wen't back to the hotel. We were so bored that we took hotel business cards, and made playing cards out of them. We sat in the room disgusted by it. We all agreed that it looked like the room a murderer goes to on the movies when he's getting ready for his next victim. Yes, it was that bad.
The next day we were so ready to go. Our bus didn't leave until four, so we did everything we could to pass time. Verona was nice, but it was not a place you would stay for more than one day.

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